skin cancer

1. Always Wear 30 SPF or Higher Sunscreen

You need to wear sunscreen every single day. Sunscreen is one of the most important steps in your skincare and it’s the best thing you can do for your skin. When sunscreen is applied correctly, it can protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays, which can cause sunburn, skin cancer, and even noticeable premature skin aging, such as wrinkles. For best results, you need to apply a broad-spectrum and water-resistant sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or even higher is better. You can also consider wearing a moisturizer that has SPF in it, this way it will save you some time in your skincare routine. However, while yes most cosmetics like foundations do have some SPF in them, you still will need to reapply every two hours in order to achieve proper sun protection. You also need to keep in mind that no sunscreen can 100% protect you from the sun, so it’s also very important that you use other sun-protective clothing while being outdoors, this includes wearing a long sleeve, full-length pants as well as hats and sunglasses. For best results and better protection from the sun select clothing that has an ultraviolet protection factor.

2.Avoid Tanning Beds

Just like the sun, tanning beds also have UV radiation that can cause skin cancer. In fact, just one full indoor tanning bed session can increase the risk of melanoma by almost 20%. If you need to achieve a golden tan, it is better to do so with self-tanning products that don’t require you to be in the sun or the tanning bed. When applied correctly and you follow the right steps, self-tanning products can look completely natural without any streaks or splotches.

3. Simplify Your Skin Care Routine

When it comes to skincare, less is better. Adding tons of steps to your skincare and using tons of products, especially anti-aging products, can cause irritation to your skin and can damage your skin barrier. It’s better to focus on the basics, such as a gentle moisturizing cleanser, a serum, sunscreen, and a moisturizer. It’s good to establish a morning and nighttime routine that fits your skin and stick to that routine.

4. Take Care Of Your Lips

Since skin cancer can even develop on the lips, it’s important to apply an SPF lip balm every day before going outside. If your lips feel very dry or even chapped, you can apply some petroleum jelly for extra moisture.

5. Check Your Skin Regurly

Skin cancer is so common and it’s the most common cancer in the United States. At least 20 Americans will die from melanoma every single day. However, if skin cancer is detected in the early stages it can be highly treatable. It’s extremely important to check your skin regularly for any new spots, spots that look different from other spots on your body, or any moles that are itchy, those are often early signs of skin cancer. If you notice anything suspicious or new spots, contact your dermatologist immediately to get it treated.